1. Conflict Resolution

1.1 Conflicts

1.1.1. The CCD Community Team will appoint a Conflict Resolution Fellow each year that will deal with conflict related matters. No Fellow can hold this position for more than two years consecutively.

1.1.2. If a conflict arises in relation to any of the topics or processes pointed out in this document, immediate action will be taken, considering three levels of communication: First level. A direct communication between the two parties involved in which they settle a solution for their impasse by themselves. No communication is needed with the Conflict Resolution Fellow. Second level. If no solution is reached, the affected person has the right to ask for the support of another person within the CCD via email to the Conflict Resolution Fellow, who will choose a Mediator to mediate between the two parties. The Mediator will not make a decision on the outcome of the conflict, but will promote a healthy dialogue between the two parties. Third level. If the conflict remains unsolved, the Mediator will immediately arrange a meeting with the Conflict Resolution Fellow. To this end, the mediator will send an email to the Conflict Resolution Fellow, attaching a calendar hold for the meeting and a statement that describes the conflict, including the names and roles of the people involved as well as critical details. The meeting will have both parties explain their sides of the story and the Mediator will give his view on the matter. During this meeting, there will be a final opportunity for both sides to reach a solution. If a solution is not reached, the Conflict Resolution Fellow will decide on a resolution. 

1.2.3. Conflict Resolution Fellow has the right to determine if a person should be removed or suspended after a first action of misconduct. However, the standard procedure will be the following: If the person repeats a misconduct or negative behavior, this person will be suspended from The CCD and any role he or she withholds will be transferred to any other person within the organisation. During this time, benefits will freeze. How long the suspension lasts will depend on the seriousness of the misconduct and its impact on the organization and the people involved. If the same person repeats his or her misconduct once again, this person will be removed from the organisation. Any benefit or role associated with this person will also be removed. This decision is irrevocable.