Thank you for your interest in contributing as a Guest Contributor at The Centre for Conscious Design.

We understand that your availability may be limited, and we appreciate your willingness to support our community during special events, publications, or for a specific duration.

By agreeing to this Guest Contributor Agreement, you commit to uphold the values and mission of The CCD while making a valuable contribution to our initiatives.

Guest Contributor Terms

1. Duration of Contribution 

Your role as a Guest Contributor will be limited to a specific event or piece of content as agreed with the CCD, or the CCD Fellow you are collaborating with. Your contribution is voluntary and greatly appreciated.

2. Respect of intellectual property

2.1. Guest Contributors must make sure that they have the rights to publish content submitted for publication by the CCD.

2.1.2 Content submitted for publication must not be plagiarised.

2.1.3 Guest Contributors must have the rights to publish any visuals included in content submitted for publication by the CCD. The visual content must be their own, or they must have written permission to use the material, or the material is marked as usable with the correct Creative Commons license. 

3. Quality Assurance and Liability

Guest Contributors assume liability for any content that they publish through the CCD website or on its social channels. This means that due diligence must be carried out by the Guest Contributor when submitting content for publication that they are not sharing misleading or harmful content, information or images, and not infringing on copyright or intellectual property laws. 

4. Usage Rights

Guest Contributors agree to give The CCD publishing rights to the content you have contributed. Unless otherwise stated by the Guest Contributor, it is up to the discretion of The CCD whether the content becomes open-access or part of a limited access arrangement. Unless otherwise stated, any content published will be partially open-access (visitors who view more than three articles or videos are invited to become members) by default for the first year following publishing, after which it may change status.