David is Director of Research Initiatives and Accredited Education at Sky Factory, a design and manufacturing company that leverages a fine arts framework, digital technology expertise, and cognitive psychology to create evidence-based design, biophilic illusions of nature. David manages collaborative studies with leading healthcare organizations to explore the impact of neuroaesthetics and spatial cognition in clinical settings.
He has presented Sky Factory’s peer reviewed research at the European Healthcare Design Conference and the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA). He is a member of ANFA’s Center for Education (ACE), The Center for Health Design and the National Association of Science Writers (USA). He earned a Certificate of Research Excellence (CORE) from the Environmental Design Research Association (2017) as part of an interdisciplinary team exploring the neural correlates of nature stimuli in architectural illusions.
David has published essays on Cognitive Biophilia in Human Spaces, Conscious Cities Journal, Radiology Today, SALUS Journal, Work/Design Magazine and Healthcare Estates Journal. He is the lead researcher and co-author of several Continuing Education courses for credit (AIA, USGBC, IDCEC, PXI), including In Search of Deep Beauty: Neuroaesthetics and Wholeness in Design I; The Neurobiology of Biophilia & Spatial Cognition; The Restorative Impact of Perceived Open Space; and Biophilic Illusions: Foundations.