Mizan is interested in the implications of city built environments, particularly architecture and urban spaces, for subjective wellbeing and mental health. Among her scholarly, scientific, and knowledge exchange activities, Mizan has been invited guest speaker at the CCD’s Conversations about Conscious Design (2023), invited speaker and panelist at Music and Mind with Renée Fleming at Salzburg Global Seminar (Culture, Arts, and Society) with the World Health Organisation (Arts and Health) (2023), alumni of Moving Boundaries: Human Sciences and the Future of Architecture (Neuroscience and Architecture) (2023-), current member of Dementia Alliance International (DAI) Environmental Design Special Interest Group (EDSiG) (2022-), and an awarded network associate at the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub (2024-). She is presently working on LIVE-LOVE, an EU-funded project investigating loveability as the fresh interdisciplinary approach to enrich the quality of living experiences in cities.