Sanjotz Thuo


I am a Graduate architect and researcher with a Bachelor’s degree in architecture and some professional experience. My primary specialisation lies in the field of neuro-architecture, which entails the integration of neuroscience with architecture. I seek to utilize this knowledge and expertise to design and implement immersive and interactive environments that have a positive impact on the health, well-being and performance of individuals especially the neurodivergent people who are often neglected in design.

My most detailed design experience along this direction was a proposal for a museum of senses, dubbed ‘senseum’ for Nairobi City which was informed by my school research thesis on multisensory experience design in art museums in Nairobi city. It offered a solution on how museums can offer memorable tactile, auditory and olfactory experiences over and above the visual experiences.

I have a strong drive for continuous learning and I’m constantly seeking opportunities to acquire new skills and tackle fresh challenges within the field of Neuro-architecture.

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