Director – Planning, diagonalWorks
Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
Academician – Academy of Urbanism
Design West – Design Review Panel member
I am a chartered town planner with a background working for large multi-disciplinary consultancies on complex multi-stakeholder projects, specialising primarily on city centre regeneration schemes. For the past 2.5 years I have been working for diagonalWorks which I am now a director of; diagonalWorks is a start-up operating at the intersection of geospatial data science and strategic planning. Our ambition is to support the delivery of more equitable, inclusive and supportive places by enabling transparent, data-driven, place-based decision-making and investment. We are particularly interested in harnessing the power of built environment data to support efforts directed at the delivery of more inclusive places, particularly considering feminist urbanism initiatives and the exploration of how different genders experience our cities and towns.
I hold a BSc in Media, Culture and Society studies from the University of Birmingham and an MSc in Spatial Planning (urban design and heritage specialisms) from Oxford Brookes University.