Celebrating the Person-Space Continuum

October 24, 2021 – 6:00 pm
Event Recordings

We invite you to join Conscious Bengaluru as we celebrate ‘The Person-Space Continuum’ – the culmination of diligent cross-disciplinary research, creative explorations, and their lived experience of international community-building since 2019.

This event will showcase a series of artistic productions and keynotes that capture the intersections of Conscious Design with Bengaluru, Karnataka, and Bharat. The program is curated to evoke, explore, and express ‘Enactivism, Empathy and Equity’ as principles of Conscious Design.

The performances instantiate Conscious Design in Practice, from conception – execution, they have been co-created with a very diverse group of researchers, dancers, musicians, theatre artists, cultural activists, and decision-makers, and designers.

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