Sydney, A Tale of Two Cities?

October 29, 2021 – 6:30 pm
Event Recordings

Join the panel discussion co-ordinated by CCD Fellow William Chan and in collaboration with the @globalshaperscommunity of Sydney on the 29th of October at 6:30 PM AEST

“The Coronavirus pandemic has revealed the urban and spatial inequalities experienced across Greater Sydney.

Despite the mantra “We’re all in this together”, residents in south-western Sydney are bearing the brunt of the health crisis and of the lockdowns.

“We’re in the same storm, but different boats,” may be more appropriate.

Hosted by the Sydney Global Shapers Hub, a community of the World Economic Forum, hear from young community leaders from Greater Sydney on their experiences of the growing divide of the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’, separating Sydney into two.

This event along with many others from across 36 cites make up the #ConsciousCitiesFestival2021 and will showcase a diverse and cross-disciplinary sessions – panel discussions, workshops, interviews, artistic performances and more between the 24th to the 30th of October.

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