Martina Frattura

Martina, class 2020 of the 40 under forty lighting awards, works as a lighting designer and independent researcher. Graduated in Interior Design at the Politecnico di Milano and at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Architectural Lighting Design and Health, with a master thesis research the Human Technology Interaction department at the TU/e.

Martina directed “A Beautiful Light” itinerant research that has taken her to ten different countries, and which investigates the possibility of replicating the soft-fascination state in built environments, using artificial lighting to sustain a good level of attention.

Martina works as a freelance practitioner in the field of lighting design, and is now head of the think-tank “The Beauty Movement”, made of designers, scientists, artists, architects, and philosophers, who seek the fundamental principles of aesthetics and its impact to the various disciplines.

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