A Circle: Screening of short animated film by James Tyson & Jennie Savage

In this video:

A circle is an animated short film that takes you on a journey through a global city. A city of architectural objects which function as machines for the industry of the twenty-first century: processing capital. a circle looks into the gaps to discover a human presence reflected in its surface and explores the potential of collapse as a metaphor for questioning what it means to be human; to live within this machine. Voices, reflections and dialogues provide a soundtrack in response to spaces which are conceived visually and rationalised scientifically to maximise consumption yet are presented as a kind of utopia.

To view the film directly, viewers can also access at: https://vimeo.com/115479040

Speakers: James Tyson & Jennie Savage

Jennie Savage is an artist / curator who seeks to transform people’s perception of place through the creation of mediated experiences. Working with a site, she explores the dialogues between public spaces, constructed landscapes and the human story. Locating individual experience and perception at the centre of the work, she seeks to draw out and make connections between interior and exterior landscapes. Her projects take many forms and sit at the edges of fine art and architectural practices. Works have included museum interventions, a radio station, broadcast events, a bus tour, audio walks, a cinema for the sea, online projects, maps, pamphlets, publications and artist films made for site specific exhibition.

James Tyson writes and stages experimental texts for theatre, as well as collaboratively making dance, performance and interdisciplinary works. Recent projects include: Vista with Zuppa Theatre (K’jipuktuk / Halifax, NS); Georges Bataille’s Bathrobe by Yubiwa Hotel (Sapporo / Tokyo); February 2018/\ by Sarah Michelson (Hamburg / Dusseldorf), Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter (for Gwangju) and as Director of International Agatha Christie Festival, Torquay. He previously worked as Head of Theatre at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff and as co-founder of Intangible Studio in Seoul.

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