“Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” – Maximising Impact in Family-focused Placemaking

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Philip Winn is a Vice President at Project for Public Spaces and core team member for the Southwest Airlines Heart of the Community program. He has helped develop, design, manage, and implement multiple “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” projects at PPS including Belle Isle Summer Saturdays (Detroit, MI), the Imagination Center (Providence, RI), The Spot 4MKE (Milwaukee, WI), and Parque Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico). As a core team member for Southwest Airlines Heart of the Community he contributes to all aspects of the program from managing individual projects to strategic planning, thought leadership, and volunteerism efforts.

Philip has brought his skills as a facilitator, project manager, and advisor to Placemaking projects both domestic and international, from Baltimore and San Diego to Kuala Lumpur and Jerusalem. As a public speaker and session leader he has facilitated workshops and presented at conferences for the Placemaking Leadership Council, Net Impact, New Partners for Smart Growth, Future Cities Collaborative, and multiple municipal governments and community groups. Philip also contributes to PPS education and advocacy projects as a writer, editor, photographer, and film producer.

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