
The Centre for Conscious Design

What are Project Files?

The CCD is committed to making sure that being a CCD Fellow is recognised as a marker of expertise, ongoing professional development and engagement with the field.

We have therefore implemented formal measures to make sure that anyone holding the title of a CCD Fellow is actively engaged.

For each year of Fellowship, the prospective Fellow needs to state their intended engagement they are committing to as part of their Fellowship Agreement

Project Files are a way to state your intended engagement. Please separate your projects, creating one file for each project. So for example, if you want to write three blog posts, create three Project Files. Or if you want to organise an event, and write an article, create a Project File for each of them.

Project Files are easy to create. The following are some instructions:

1. Once your Membership is activated, you will have access to a Dashboard. You can access the Dashboard through your user menu on the right hand side of the main website navigation. You can also use this link.

2. Once in the Dashboard, find the Project Files item in the left-hand menu and select ‘Add New’.

Project Files Menu Item

3. You can now fill in the details of your intended engagement. 

We encourage you to be ambitious but realistic about what you think you can commit to in the upcoming year as a Fellow.

For each project create a new Project File.

4. First, you can select the type of project

5. Add a short description of the project. 

Operational Role

A Fellow can take on a Role that is part of the CCD’s operational functioning. The CCD has six teams: Administration, Community, Content, Social, Web, and Festival. An Operational Project requires the Fellow to be part of a team and actively contribute a minimum of 2 hours a week, for a period of 4 months. You will be contacted by the CCD Team to discuss the scope of your Operational Project.

Content Projects

A Fellow can commit to contributing different types of content as part of their engagement throughout the year. The following, or a proposed combination of these are possible: Blog Posts, Articles, Peer-Reviewed Papers, Videos, Events

Blog Posts

Blog Posts are short pieces of writing, between 1500 to 2500 words. A blog post should cover a topic in a language that is accessible to a wider audience. It should include useful information, be a source of inspiration, or ideally both.


An article is a longer piece of writing, anything more than 2,500 words. Articles need to include a more in-depth introduction and analysis to a topic and be referenced properly with credible sources. Articles can be published as part of a collection, like the annual Conscious Cities Anthology, or be published by a City Chapter and included on their page. Therefore, if selecting the Article option, you will need to state in the description where you want it to be published.


Publications are a collection of at least 6 articles that focus on a specific topic. If you want to put together a publication, that will mean finding enough contributors of articles, editing the articles and making sure they are to a high standard. You will also need to create a cover image.


An event can be an in-person gathering or it can be online. You can also organise an event in collaboration with other fellows, for example as part of a City Chapter’s participation in the annual Conscious Cities Festival. In your description of the project please state what the topic of the event will be and a preliminary list of speakers you’re looking to invite. You will also need to:

  • Create the visuals for the event, including its poster and social media content
  • Take care of promotion
  • Record the event and upload it to the City Chapter’s youtube account


A video can be a recording of a talk, an animation, or another form of audiovisual art.

City Chapter Activity

This can be creating content for a City Chapter, organising local events, building up a community of members and social media following, or even a specific project you might have in mind.

Example 1

Project Type: Blog Post

Description: I would like to write a post that explains to readers the basic science behind how a space can affect our mood, including insights that can be used in a design process.

Example 2

Project Type: Event

Description: I would like to create an event with four speakers who will present their ideas/work relating to urban regeneration in Athens. Each speaker will refer to how their work approaches conscious design principles. The presentations (15 minutes each) will be followed by a discussion of 20 minutes. The event will be online.

6. Include other participants in the project 

If you are expecting this to be a collaboration or a team effort, please add the other Fellows’ names and what their role will be in the project.

7. Hours

Please state how many hours of work you intend to invest in this project.

8. Pick the project’s Start Date and expected Completion Date

9. Status

This option exists so that when you have completed the project, you can change its status to ‘Completed’, allowing the CCD Content Team to review it. You can leave it as ‘Incomplete’ when first creating the Project File.