The Lighthouse | Exploring science’s blind spots

September 23, 2024 – 5:00 pm
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
9:30 pm
1:30 am (September 24)
Event Recordings

We believe that asking ourselves questions is a form of shedding light, expanding our awareness, our consciousness. Asking a question is a provocation to observe, to inquire, to test, and ultimately to learn and unlearn. In this spirit, we invite you to collectively contemplate our trajectory as a society, to reimagine ourselves through our relationship with place.

Lighthouse events gather the CCD community to set a path of inquiry for the field of Conscious Design and the Conscious Cities Movement. The questions raised will be gathered and presented as points of departure for upcoming research, writing, and events for the future, including at the following year’s Conscious Cities Festival.

In this Lighthouse gathering, leading figures in the neuroscience of spatial experience will invite us to explore science’s blind spots. What are the questions that aren’t being asked, and why? What do we stand to gain from exploring the lesser known, and how might we do it?

Three of our Lighthouse Fellows will each deliver a short talk. Afterwards, all participants will be invited to smaller breakout rooms where you will have the opportunity to connect and share ideas and provocations. 

Event length: 1 hour 30 minutes

This event is part of an event series

Hosted by

Organised by

Moshe Bar, PhD is the former Director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital and an internationally renowned cognitive neuroscientist. He has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. For his outstanding research and academic achievements, he has received many awards and honors, including the prestigious 21st Century Science Initiative Award from the McDonnell Foundation, and the Hebb Award from The International Neural Networks Society. He headed the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center at Bar-Ilan University in Israel until recently.