In this video:
Prof Kate Jeffery is a neuroscientist researching how the brain makes an internal representation of space. Kate founded the “Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience” at UCL, a laboratory comprising several researchers who use physiological methods to study cognition. She studies how spatially sensitive neurons encode complex spaces, with a particular focus on two main issues: three dimensional space, and the internal “sense of direction”.
Tema: Conceptualización y Metodologías
Presentación de ponentes: 1. Kate Jeffery 🇳🇿, 2. Karina Lozano 🇲🇽, 3. Michael Arbib 🇬🇧. Después, se suman a la mesa de diálogo: Jonathan Ravines (Habitar) y Daniela Perleche (Urbes Lab). Conscious Lima Festival 2020 – Day 1A
Morning Topic : Conceptualisation and Methodologies
Presentation of Speakers: 1. Kate Jeffery 🇳🇿, 2. Karina Lozano 🇲🇽, 3. Michael Arbib 🇬🇧. Next up, they join the dialogue table: Jonathan Ravines (Habitar) and Daniela Perleche (Urbes Lab).
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