Promoting Safety and Well-being of Families through the Built Environment

In this video:

Ana Colares, A.I.A, is licensed architect from New York State, with master’s in science, Interior Design major from Pratt Institute, in Brooklyn, NY. Her background encompasses more than 20 years of experience in architecture & engineering design and construction in the United States and Latin America, in the public and private sectors. She has been working for the public sector for almost 20 years, starting at NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC), and moving to more related to social public missions as NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) and Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), where she can apply her expertise and experience in providing adequate environment for the clients (public) and staff . She is currently working as the Assistant Commissioner for Real Estate, Design and Construction Management with the NYC ACS. In this position she is responsible for the well-being of the most vulnerable public in NYC, the children. She is in charge of renovations of the entire ACS portfolio to meet City, State and Federal mandates, and more importantly, to allow the public (families with children) have a good experience and service when need the City help in difficult family times, never losing sight of the main mission to promote safety and well-being of young people, families, and communities.

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