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Aesthetic Experience as a Basic Good

In this video:

Michael R. Spicher PhD is a public philosopher and creator of Aesthetics Research Lab. He writes and speaks about aesthetics in professional and academic contexts. He is a regular contributor to BeautyMatter, a resource for the beauty industry. Michael lectures at both Boston Architectural College and Massachusetts College of Art and Design, USA.

We need to reorient ourselves to the value of aesthetic experience.

Aesthetic experience is sometimes considered an afterthought or something for the elite. Beginning with an overview of the history of beauty, the most prominent aesthetic property, Michael will walk us through how beauty and aesthetics had a downfall in the 20th century. If we believe aesthetic experience is a basic human good, then we will begin to value it more. Philosophers and scientists have both concluded recently that beauty is a value. If so, then there must be more practical applications of aesthetics than we might think, which Michael suggests in the final part.

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