How can Behavioural Science Inform Programs for Family Health?

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Natalie Dabney is a Vice President at ideas42, a nonprofit design lab that uses insights from behavioral science to design low-cost solutions to complex social problems. She focuses on economic justice issues as well as international sexual and reproductive health. As part of her economic justice work, Natalie leads the New York City Behavioral Design Team (NYC BDT), a partnership with the New York City Mayor’s Office of Operations that has completed over 20 projects aimed at improving outcomes for low-income New Yorkers. Her academic and work background is in rigorous evaluation, and she worked at Mathematica Policy Research for several years evaluating interventions in the fields of health, education, and labor. Natalie receive her BA from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and her MPA from NYU’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service.

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